Video Surveillance & Physical Security Industry Viewpoints
May 9th, 2024
Author: Keir Hoppe

Analytics Insights: What are the biggest challenges that end users face when working with integrators?

Originally published on Source Security.

The security technology domain has increasingly become IT-focused. Today, the biggest challenge that end users face when working with integrators stems from the vast array of complex new security technologies and the rapid rate at which they are emerging: As always, end users rely on integrators to identify solutions for strategically meeting their needs. But today’s users expect higher levels of service from their integrators, including expertise in application use, system installation, infrastructure management, and more.

For integrators – especially in emerging markets like analytics – striking a balance between delivering tried-and-true solutions while keeping end users at the cutting-edge of innovation is an intricate art form, further complicated by the need to navigate specific objectives and unpredictable budgets for diverse organizations. Expertise in navigating these complexities is now an intrinsic part of end user expectations.

Ultimately, the key tenet to a successful end user / integrator relationship is open communication. Innovative technology can address many challenges but can only go so far without transparent communication, mutual understanding of the security technology ecosystem, and realistic expectations about how technology can actually meet requirements (or not). Once a strong communication platform is established, end users can look forward to the impact of successfully integrated technological advancements from the robust and ever-evolving security technology ecosystem.

About the Author
Keir Hoppe is the Chief Marketing Officer for BriefCam, the provider of video analytics solutions that enable people, communities, and companies of any size to unlock the value of video surveillance content. Keir specializes in blending marketing strategy and high-quality execution to elevate global demand and support the strategic vision of this high-growth enterprise software company. With over two decades of experience, Keir’s analytical mindset and intuitive insight into customer needs allow her to solve complex problems and create engaging, omnichannel, integrated marketing programs that naturally attract customer interest while aligning with business revenue goals.