Video Surveillance & Physical Security Industry Viewpoints
November 28th, 2015
Author: Lizzi Goldmeier

Rapid Video Review: Benefits and Payoff

Introducing an innovative technology into the security marketplace is never easy. Security professionals by nature are a conservative lot — and with good reason — but sometimes a new product comes along that can help solve a major problem. In BriefCam’s® case, the problem is the ever-expanding amounts of video being recorded 24/7 and the challenge is to derive maximum benefit and value from all that video.

How do we do it?

BriefCam’s VIDEO SYNOPSIS® technology enables rapid video review. The software tracks and analyzes events (i.e., anything moving on the screen) and converts these video streams into a database of events. When the user requests a Synopsis, the events from the desired period are recalled, the time sequence is shifted, and the events then displayed simultaneously within the frame. At any point, an event can be double-clicked to access, bookmark and investigate the original video within the VMS. The result: hours of video can be reviewed in minutes.

The advanced version of the technology, BriefCam Syndex cuts review time even further by enabling the basic VIDEO SYNOPSIS innovation to be searched according to user-defined parameters: size, color, speed, direction and area of interest/exclusion. The goal, as always, is to “Get to the point. Fast”.

The benefits of rapid video review and video search can’t be overstated. Investigations that once took protracted periods of time – it took months to review the video used in the 2005 London bombing investigation and weeks to review 5,000 hours of video from the Vancouver riots – can now be reduced to a matter of days.

In addition, for the first time proactive video review is now possible: all of the day’s video can be viewed on a routine basis as a preventative measure, (a thing that up until now was completely impractical) with a greater likelihood of discovering events that previously would have gone undetected. The payoff: periodic review of the day’s video provides valuable information that can, within a fairly short time, bring a return on investment.