Video Analytics for Safe & Smart Cities

Intelligent video content analytics for community safety, economic growth and public & private sector partnerships

Upgrade Your Smart City with 2024 M1!

Discover BriefCam Nexus — the multi-site hub you need for enhanced smart city integration.

Learn more about 2024 M1 and our exciting new features for smart city transformation like Vehicle Make and Model Recognition (VMMR) for pinpointing suspicious vehicles, managing road traffic, and enhance security and investigations.

Deliver Safe, Secure, and Sustainable Cities

Cities, together with their law enforcement agencies, all face the same difficult challenge of protecting their residents, supporting local business, and developing strategies to decrease crime while driving economic growth, attracting new businesses and spurring tourism. BriefCam’s Video Content Analytics capabilities enable both private and public sectors to deliver safe, secure and sustainable cities by reducing the crime rate, optimizing pedestrian and vehicle traffic flow, monitoring these trends over time, and enabling proactive response with real-time alerting.

Major cities around the globe are looking at ways that technology can impact our way of life in urban areas. From city planning and transportation to safety and security organizations, cities are preparing for the tech-enabled future – and leveraging existing investments in a whole new way. Taking advantage of the video surveillance systems deployed throughout these metropolitan areas, Smart Cities are unlocking the treasure trove of value in their video systems.

Accelerate Investigations

Streamline and accelerate post event investigation by bringing relevant events to the forefront and enabling collaborative case management

Building Maintance
Attain Situational Awareness

Improve situational awareness to ensure safety and security events are handled proactively and effectively

Derive Operational Intelligence

Obtain quantitative intelligence on vehicle and pedestrian direction and speed to alleviate congestion, optimize traffic flows, and manage crowds

Enrich Investigations & Case Management with Maps

Ever-Expanding Video Analytics & Data Visualizations

Investigate holistically by visualizing the geographical location of source cameras and video files on a map to more effectively build and quickly solve cases. Based on camera coordinates, search and filter video and identify persons and vehicles of interest across multiple locations, leveraging our ever-evolving set of video search filters and investigation tools.

Enhancing City Wide Safety in Gangneung, South Korea

Bordering the east coast of South Korea, Gangneung attracts tourists for its natural beauty and numerous festivals, including the UNESCO heritage designated Gangneung Danoje festival.

To keep residents and guests safe, the city turned to BriefCam to extend the value of their growing surveillance network and to:

  • Transform video into actionable intelligence
  • Empower operators to solve cases faster
  • Scale city-wide security

Learn more about Gangneung’s safe city transformation!


For more information on how BriefCam can help cities & municipalities achieve a faster time to target or create new economic opportunities, contact us to arrange a demonstration.